How Do You Feel About It?






好久沒來過了……我對DB一直都很有愛的,以前專門寫關於C的。 現在把該刪的都刪了。 我 ...
好久沒來過了……我對DB一直都很有愛的,以前專門寫關於C的。 現在把該刪的都刪了。 我要把這裡作為博客。嗯。 回來把頁面重新弄了一下,也算是可以看了,以後再慢慢裝修吧,嘿嘿。 開學已經3天了,我卻已經來學校11天啦,爲什麽記得這麼清楚捏?因為我每天都在寫減肥日記,今天是第十一天,嘿嘿,不知道我瘦了沒有,週末去稱稱。 現在過得比較充實,每天按時去上課,下課放學就和微微一起逛逛學校散散步,學校好像變大了很多,我們每天都有逛得地方。晚上下自習后和琳妹妹一起去操場散步,說是減肥,其實也沒多大用吧,哈哈,不過也比整天坐在電腦前強。我還做了一件很暢快的事情,哈哈,太喜感了。 這學期的課好多啊,從星期一到星期四每天從早到晚都是滿的,呼呼。 我要過六級啊!教師資格證啊!計算機二級啊!普通話一乙啊! 這學期真的要好好讀書了,不然以後就沒時間了。要多拿點證。 不過呢,忙裡還是可以偷閒的,十一準備和ZH一起去西安,很期待哦,爲了我們的西安之行我每天都在減肥順便節約用錢哈哈。 這週日的木馬還是很糾結要不要去看,管他呢,芮芮去的話我就去。嗯。 唔,讓生活更充實一點吧! 剛剛給C說,一路順風哦 他很快的回,多謝 唔……多謝這個詞聽起來都有些不情願的態度。無所謂了,這是我兩個月來第一次跟他說話,反正我們也不可能再見面。

How Do You Feel About It?






2009-08-14 Say googbye to tragic ending. Did you ever see that one person and the way they do these things and it hurts you so much ?it's like choking...choking down the ember ...
2009-08-14 Say googbye to tragic ending. Did you ever see that one person and the way they do these things and it hurts you so much ?it's like choking...choking down the embers.I can give you freedom from your guilt,with a flick of my wrist onto yours,I can give you peace of mind with a forced smile. This is your freedom in a life of fallacy,with no last kiss & no regrets;you don't deserve good bye. Here you stand seething with guilt.Silence only justifies this act of cowardice.With a short story, the one you add to daily, you are the tragic loss.No story book ending for this fairy tale of you.Just the one composed with blood taken from your pen that you hold in your lifeless hand.Cry for you...shed tears.. mourn...wish the end. Did you ever look, did you ever see that one person,and the subtle way that they do these things and it hurts so much?So much like choking down the embers of a great blaze.It's that moment when your eyes seem to spread aspersions and to scream confessions at the insipid sky parting clouds.You let this one person come down in the most perfect moment.And it breaks my heart to know the only reason you are here now is a reminder of what I'll never have...... I'll never...Standing so close knowing that it kills me to breathe you in...But this table for one has become bearable,and you let this one person come down....I now take comfort in this, and for this, I cherish you..I cherish you. Please just say that you would do the same for me... For as much as I love autumn,I'm giving myself to ashes.

How Do You Feel About It?






2009-08-09 Natural and unrestrained~~~yep,my friends always say i'm a cool person,i do the things i like,i break the way i hate.Well,maybe that's a part of me.............. ...
2009-08-09 Natural and unrestrained~~~yep,my friends always say i'm a cool person,i do the things i like,i break the way i hate.Well,maybe that's a part of me.............. Don't know why today I'm so down, but in fact, everyday I'm also down, down, down... I always feel that the situation now is not the right things I want, even though I don't know what I really want. There's a stinky guy still in my mind,around~around~around...I think I have already threw him away,but the fact is.....so bad.....Ok,good news is,i cut my hair,i think i need a change,i wear long hair for that stupid guy ,it's the time to cut off. People afraid of changing, or, we just do not have the courage to take the first step. As we have lived like this for so long a time, we do not know what would happen if we make changes.But we really need changing,like me. Actually,I have a group of good friends,they make me happy~~yeah,that's enough~~I want a wonderful life , no stinky men , no damn things. As a cool person~~hahaha ~~i'll go to wuhan ,guangzhou,beijing~~or some other places,as long as i want ...LOL~~Nepal,Tibet,Kashi....i'm on my way. Next semester will be very substantial , c'mon jane,cool gril should be more cool~~live 4 yourself , it's your turn now.