How Do You Feel About It?






yup. today i officially turn 23. twenty freakin three. boooo~ i remember being 19 and thinking 23 was old. haha. oh well, such is life. anyway, october's a month of bdays for ...
yup. today i officially turn 23. twenty freakin three. boooo~ i remember being 19 and thinking 23 was old. haha. oh well, such is life. anyway, october's a month of bdays for me. mine aside, my mom's and dad's bdays are in october as well (my dad's a day after mine, while my mom's on the 25th). and so it signals a time of wonderful dinners and expanding tummies (as if i have not put on enough weight - yup, a sure sign of aging). i'm looking forward to tonight's family dinner though. i absolutely LOVE buffets =) well, though hardly any of my friends have this blog add (because i am private and antisocial and i want to hide); i'd like to say this anyway: thanks muchly everyone for your bday greetings! (oh, on a seperate note: i spent 40mins waiting with someone for a cab in chinatown last night. for a large part of the time we were standing at a pole watching cars go past. it felt sooo "sleeping prince". hurhur.)