How Do You Feel About It?






五月天→温柔 (还你自由版) 五月天→纯真 何韵诗→天使蓝(ACOUSTIC ANG ...
五月天→温柔 (还你自由版) 五月天→纯真 何韵诗→天使蓝(ACOUSTIC ANGEL) 何韵诗→明目张胆 郑中基→戒情人 陈小春→失恋王 潘伟柏→玩酷 mum→Green Grass Of Tunnel (**makyanyan pasted mum's link in her blog, if not i almost totally forgotten about this song...the only song I heard from them) again...back to my usual hobby ie listening to LIVE. went into digging out some real good LIVE albums.. and blasting in my studio (my boss don't understand why I like LIVE/band/rock music so much) and in the middle of the night (accompany me throughout the sleepless nights...i still sleep...but somehow i can only sleep at 3 or 4am...have been in this mode for a whole month...why!?!) here a head start with 3 LIVE albums...the 1st one being my top fav. [1] 陈奕迅&叶倩文 903 id Club 拉阔音乐会 **simply the best combination...both are real good singers...highly recommended to keep as a collection! 陈奕迅+ 叶倩文→冲口而出 **super high...wonder how eason can sing so fast? 陈奕迅+ 叶倩文→女人的眼泪 陈奕迅+ 叶倩文→秋去秋来/K歌之王 陈奕迅+ 叶倩文→Shall We Talk/零时十分 陈奕迅+ 叶倩文→单车/珍重 陈奕迅→岁月如歌/兄妹 陈奕迅→想哭 叶倩文→最难唱的情歌 **i actually prefer eman/at17 version...but sally has not type of presentation. 叶倩文→爱上一个不回家的人 ** the song, well sang by both sally... [2] 爱的大游行 Live 梁静茹+ 周华健→我是真的付出我的爱 梁静茹→勇气 梁静茹→无条件为你 梁静茹→如果有一天 梁静茹→分手快乐 (大合唱) **concert coming on the 29th dec singapore indoor stadium, if i have extra cash left over from the HK trip, i will watch too....why fish leong leh...really like her vocal....good [3] 郑中基演唱会2006 郑中基→你的眼睛背叛你的心 郑中基+林海峰+古巨基+梁汉文+苏永康→男子组 郑中基→ 无赖